Vacuum, Vented and Polynet Bags
Need bags to package your fruit or vegies?
We stock several different types of vented bags to choose from some have the weight printed on the bags, others have the name of the item on them like Carrot or Potato. There are bags with Garden Fresh and a weight and also a wide range of clear plain vented bags.
Can’t see the size you are looking for! Look in our Poly Bag list and see if there is the right size bag and we can punch the vents in there for you at no extra charge.
If a plastic netted bag is more what you were looking for to package your fruit or vegies in then we have them in a couple of lengths and colours, great for showcasing avocados, passionfruit.
Think outside the box and use these bags to package other products in them.
Maybe a Vacuum bag or vacuum tubing is what you were looking for. We sell these in a range of sizes.
Click through on the links below to see a full range of stock in this category. If you can’t find what you are looking for then either call us directly 5453 4440 or use the search facility on our website.